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Elevating Customer Satisfaction With Workshops

Building trust throughout the Tennessee Valley with energy workshops for customers.
TVA EnergyRight®
2021 – Ongoing

The mission

Customer satisfaction is crucial for any business — and utilities are no exception! With new technologies giving people more energy options, most utilities have become laser-focused on building trust and goodwill in their communities. The challenge has been finding cost-effective yet impactful ways to reach, and connect with, their customers.

With our vast utility experience and expertise in engagement and energy, we’ve supported TVA EnergyRight and its local power company partners in the strategy, planning, and delivery of home energy workshops to communities throughout the TVA service territory.

Through an interactive and easy-to-follow workshop curriculum, TVA and its partners serve a wide range of audiences, from high schoolers to homeowners, and cover topics like the benefits or public power, how energy is used in the home, lifestyle tips for using energy efficiently, providing information about relevant home energy efficiency programs, and more.

And we helped TVA solve the issue of reach by coordinating workshops locally: at libraries, schools, and community centers.

TVA Home Energy Workshops

What we did

  • Market research

  • Engagement strategy

  • Data collection

  • Project management

  • Stakeholder identification and outreach

  • Coordinated efforts with internal stakeholders

  • Presentation delivery

  • Workshop coordination

  • Strategy planning

  • Survey collection and analysis

The results

Since 2021, we’ve helped deliver 25 energy workshops throughout the TVA service area. To measure the effectiveness of these workshops, we survey participants for their feedback and to measure net promoter score which can range from a low of -100 to a high of 100. With a 96 net promoter score, these workshops have proven to be an impactful strategy for TVA and its utility partners to build trust and drive customer satisfaction.

TVA Home Energy Workshops
TVA Home Energy Workshops
TVA Home Energy Workshops
TVA Home Energy Workshops
TVA Home Energy Workshops
TVA Home Energy Workshops

It was an action-packed day and a half of workshops with events ranging from adults, high school students, and after school elementary program children. You were able to provide this valuable information to each of these groups in an appropriate and thoughtful way.”

Edward KempStarkville Utilities