Finding the Story in a Developing Energy Initiative
Humanizing a community-centered energy and technology projects through the power of storytelling.
The mission
Connected Communities, an initiative in TVA’s Innovation & Research business unit, focuses on addressing today’s challenges with community-driven information and technology solutions to enable equitable access to new, improved, and existing services for all people in the region.
As this initiative grows, the Connected Communities team is sharing resources, updates, and accomplishments with a wide audience including TVA employees, topic experts, and residents across the TVA service region.
Communicating developing programs or initiatives based on complex technologies to a broad group of stakeholders, from those who are just learning about smart plugs to those that are experts in grid-interactive efficient buildings, is no small feat.
Working with the Connected Communities team, including TVA team members and other consultants, Milepost is creating a variety of materials to tell the powerful story of the Connected Communities initiative. By developing a comprehensive communications strategy, we’re making sure that no audience group is left out (communicating an equitable initiative equitably!). We help explain complex topics like home energy management systems, distributed energy resources, and demand response programs, by finding the fine line between oversimplification and too specialized or jargony.
TVA’s audience requires us to be flexible, agile, and balanced — sort of like a technical gymnast. By communicating this initiative in a digestible and engaging way, the purpose and benefits of these technologies can be understood and appreciated.

What we did
Messaging strategy and frameworks
Communications strategy
Copy development
Graphic design
Project management
Presentations and pitch decks
Conference and event experience design
The results
Now going into its third year, Connected Communities has proven to be a successful and promising initiative for TVA’s Innovation & Research. By establishing and communicating a clear, consistent, and engaging story, TVA is continuing to raise awareness and interest in Connected Communities — amplifying the impact this program has on the people and communities throughout the region.