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Pilot and Program Design

People-Centered Program Design

We build tactical strategies that rally stakeholders and transform passive energy consumers into life long energy advocates.

What we offer

Icons_Marketing strategy

Strategic Planning & Goal Setting

Distill your vision into actionable plans with meaningful and measurable goals that get people energized and aligned.

Icons_Communication and engagement strategy

Engagement Strategy

Design journeys for everyday people that keep them actively engaged in your program throughout its lifecycle.

Icons_Energy efficiency and management

Program Design & Optimization

Offer engaging and effective programs that optimize impact and inspire people to get involved and champion change.

Our toolbox

Market intelligence and business insights
Market intelligence and business insights
Partner research and stakeholder engagement activities
Partner research and stakeholder recruitment
Program focus selection & goal setting
Program focus selection and goal setting
Process & touchpoint mapping
Process and touchpoint mapping
Program framework selection
Implementation framework and roadmapping
Evaluation strategy
Evaluation and continuous improvement strategy
Communication and engagement strategy
Engagement strategy
Project management
Project management

Milepost's work helped to fine tune the value proposition of our program and identify the market opportunity. Their support was invaluable!”

Senior Program ManagerUtility Sector

We're ready to start your next project

Drop us a quick note below and one of our consultants will follow up with you soon.